Command line parameters

From Bitfighter
Revision as of 21:16, 18 April 2008 by Watusimoto (Talk | contribs)

Bitfighter can be started with a number of command line parameters. These will override the behavior and settings stored in the INI file. Most players can ignore these, most of the time.

  • -server [address] Start game in server mode, and optionally bind to specified address.
  • -connect <address> Connect to server at specified address.
  • -master <address> Use master server (game finder) at specified address
  • -dedicated [address] Run as a dedicated game server (i.e. no game window)
  • -name <string> Specify your user name
  • -password <string> Specify a server password (if connecting to a private server)
  • -adminpassword <string> Specify an admin password when you run as a server
  • -hostname <string> Sets the name that will appear in the server browser when searching for servers
  • -maxplayers <int> Max players allowed in a game (default is 128)
  • -edit [string] Load editor, and, if a level name is specified, start editing it.
  • -window Start in windowed mode
  • -fullscreen Start in full-screen mode
  • -levels <level 1> [level 2]... Note that all remaining items on the command line will be interpreted as levels, so this must be the last parameter.

Developer-oriented options

  • -loss <float> Simulate the specified amount of packet loss, from 0 (no loss) to 1 (all packets lost) [I think range is correct...]
  • -lag <integer> Simulate the specified amount of server lag (in milliseconds)
  • -createsampleini Direct Bitfighter to create bitfighter.ini.sample and exit. All other options will be ignored. Primarily for release support.
  • -jsave <string> Record a game to a journal for later playback. Specify where to save the game. Useful for demonstrating and reporting bugs or other issues.
  • -jplay <string> Play back a journaled game. Specify the playback file name.
  • -crazybot

<param> denotes a required parameter
[param] denotes an optional parameter
address is an address in the form ip address:port. (e.g.
string means a parameter consisting of some combination of letters and numbers (e.g. BoronNoggin)
integer means an integer number must be specified (e.g. 4)
float means a floating point number must be specified (e.g. 3.5)